Monday, April 20, 2009

Blue Belles Bedect a Fine Church Lawn in Springfield Vermont

they defy the elements on an early Spring day, brightening a lawn struggling to awaken and bringing joy to the casual observer.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Tom, expert on dry Lawns

It was looking pretty dry, Tom didn't know whether to mow or not.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Even the most ordinary asphalt garden path can make the church lawn a magnet for magic

What church lawn can be complete without the foot prints of angels among the sweet brotey things?

Friday, April 11, 2008

O blessed Dandelion

What should we call this happy madness? - devil, or serendipitous display of joie de vivre?
A jaunty dandelion is always the first one to mock the most thorough compulsivity.
Here is a detail of the well-groomed, often over-groomed, lawn in front of the Church of the Blessed Remunification, housed secretly in a fine, evacuated home - set in a high-end neighborhood that was designed by a well-known architect in the 1930's, somewhere near Wesley Hts, perhaps in the former WWII-era munitions dump that is undergoing what will in all likelyhood become a decades long clean-up operation of absurd proportions, deep in our nation's capital, in NW Washington, DC.